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Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:57:30 +0200
zuletzt bearbeitet: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:18:35 +0200
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Security Engineering -
Third Edition
, found at
Fefes Blog
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Thu, 15 Oct 2020 23:04:31 +0200
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thanks, corrected
Waitman Gobble
The real secret motivation for posting this is - do not laugh - I have a Hubzilla server and a wiki there but just one server, and suprise, no cloning. So I thought it is a brilliant idea to use my two Misty servers to clone (backup) my precious ideas (using a post + hashtag) just in case one server breaks. I experienced this several times. Instead of restoring the backup I always did choose to install a fresh instance.
Then I was hesitant for a while to post (store) the reminder as "public" to avoid spam for everybody. But then I kept the lock open just in case I want to send a link to friends/colleagues. (It is unbelievable that in 2020 somebody does not use ZOT! We are not in the 80th anymore.)
All this decision making took about the same time @
Mike Macgirvin
is making bbcode and markup a happy couple.
At the end my ingenious post harvested a "bug entry" from one guy and a bad (and well served) joke from another guy.
Well, but I tell you the truth now: we have two guys to blame for this messy post
1. Fefe, as you realized quickly @
Waitman Gobble
, and of course...
2. Mike for not giving me a cloned wiki/webpage or something similar in Misty
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Cyborg 2-A ✅ (4 Jahre her)
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Cyborg 2-A ✅
Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:01:18 +0200
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I want to ask this girl how to pronounce fefe in German.
Three Ways To Pronounce The German "E" | German In 60 Seconds
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Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:14:05 +0200
zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 01:05:54 +0200
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The first one sounds like "e" in the Australian bed. I have to trust the young lady. Like Dresden, Mehl.
The second one sounds more like the "e" in the closing e in better and butter.
His real name is Felix von Leitner. I won't elaborate on all the "e" here.
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Cyborg 2-A ✅ (4 Jahre her)
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Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:40:18 +0200
zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:59:42 +0200
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The pronunciation depends heavily on the area. A native Saxonian from Dresden will never get the first "e" in Dresden (his very own home town) right - never ever. I tested this several times. It is always to long and changes the pitch. Horrible
But the most unliked accent is where the Mercedes and Porsches come from, Stuttgart. The pronounce the "e" almost the same way as the guys from Dresden. But that's not the only horrible letter. The funny thing is: after the wall came down many guys moved from Stuttgart to Berlin because it is sooo coool and cheap for them. If fact Berlin is full of Stuttgarter. And they clash there in Berlin with the overproud and overcool big mouth type of Berlin.
The barking sounds you might know from old propaganda speeches of the Nazis is not spoken anymore. But anyway German might still sound like barking for a non German. I admit Italian might sound better.
There is a big difference if you compare accents in Great Britain and Germany. As far as I know the English use language often to distinguish themself inside the social hierarchy. That is different in Germany. You change to the local accent if you want to be more informal. But this is independent of social ranking. Even very high standing persons (felt or real) use heavy accent sometimes.
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Fri, 16 Oct 2020 00:49:15 +0200
zuletzt bearbeitet: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 01:17:35 +0200
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The often heard PR slogan for Stuttgart is: "Wir können alles, außer Deutsch", we can do anything (build cars, machines of all kind,..) but German. They pronounce it in a way I could never do. Anyway, despite of the accent I know some very nice people coming from this area.
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Fri, 16 Oct 2020 01:04:50 +0200
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Another one...
It can be a real shock moment if you approach a good looking lady and she replies to you in deep accent from Stuttgart or Dresden. Ok, depends, could be funny and create the first laughter.
I have to correct myself. In some areas the accent IS used to distinguish themselves in the hierarchy, especially in Hamburg. But I would say this is quite rare.
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