All pictures taken with different cameras from mobile to full frame, taken from different angles from the side to portrait and from noisy to high quality. Sometimes hair is falling over the face and/or the face is partly visible, some faces are under a helmet.
Preferred Settings (Result)
- detector = retinaface
- model = Facenet512
- distance metric = cosine = 0.36 cosine
For real live shots by far outperforming was the combination of retinaface and Facenet512. The only decision to make is the distance metric.
Training Data
- 4 persons in 293 pictures (used to name faces)
- each picture showing at least one face of the 4 persons
- Only the best 20 pictures of every face are used as training data.
Result of Probe
All figures see attachment.
Figures below for: detector = retinaface, model = Facenet512, distance metric = cosine = 0.36 cosine
Should be found | found | false positive
59 | 44 | 2 | male, over good 50, beard, sometimes with helmet
22 | 19 | 1 | female, 23
33 | 18 | 1 | male, 21, sometimes with helmet and hair in the face
75 | 53 | 0 | female, good under 50, sometimes with hair in the face
77 pictures with unknown persons showing sometimes many faces in one picture. False positives refer to these pictures.