00:00 Imagine you use the face recognition for the very first time
Magic - your faces carry names - WOW
00:30 ...because your friends named faces for you
00:35 conditions for sharing faces -
a) addon Faces installed, b) you are close friends00:55 no faces are shared by default
01:05 share faces over
server boundaries and even
between cloned user account01:50 share a face from friend to friend - first demo
02:25 only faces named with a contact are shared
02:55 install the
app "Friend Zoom"03:40 set (the closeness of)
relationship below 50 (0 - 100)
04:50 faces are shared now
05:40 effect of close relationships - contacts are in
drop-down list of names06:20 set back relationship to the default (closeness) of 50
07:00 faces are not shared any longer
07:50 page to
check who is sharing what faces08:05 who is sharing faces with you
08:20 faces you share
08:30 faces others share with you
08:40 moving the affinity slider - the effects
09:20 share faces with contacts that are not close friends
09:40 some technical stuff (what data files are used,...)