Titelfoto für diesen Kanal

Rents out Linux laptops 💻 https://mro.name/laptop

Builds the social web 🚲 https://Seppo.Social with 🐫 @ocaml. Incubated by https://NLnet.nl/project/Seppo. Makes things deemed impossible.

Former JEE and iOS developer, past 🌳 tree planter. Occasional lightning talker https://mro.name/talks. Netizen since the mid 90ies.

Member of https://SIGCHI.org, https://CCC.de, https://FIfF.de, https://GI.de, https://NOYB.eu, https://Blaetter.de, https://ADFC.de.

Likes 😈 https://mro.name/FreeBSD-XFCE 🐁 and 🏔️ https://AlpineLinux.org.

#permacomputing #digitalmonad. #tootfinder
