Mike Macgirvin @
Mario Vavti @
Max Kostikov @
zotlabs.org | Hubzilla Development I want to sync items of two
tables faces_encoding and faces_person to a channels clone.
Do you think the following is a good approach?
Example for face encodings:
- Create an item (in table item).
- Use column item.app=faces and item.title=encoding to find (all of them) later on.
- Store a face encoding (content of a row in faces_encoding) in column item.obj
- Store the hash of the item in the encoding (faces_encoding.file_hash)
- Use item.sync_an_item($channel_id,$item_id)
- Before the channels clone starts a face recognition (it is always only triggered manually by the user via browser)
- Select all items using item.app=faces AND item.title=encoding
- Read the encodings from the items and write the encodings if new or changed
Depending on how it goes I would change it, e.g.
- Sync an image with all encodings instead each encoding separately.
- Of course I have store the file (image) hash in each encoding.
Do you can imagine a completely different way of syncing the data?
Is attach more appropriate or iconfig or...?
Once it works for ZAP I would port it to Hubzilla.
Many thanks in advance.